Wow! I am sooooo honored....I can't even speak (type) properly! I was awarded 3 awards in one day! I am fairly new (just about 3 months) to blogging and I am in LOVE with it! To have someone think I deserve an award makes me all teary! I was jumping and hollering and telling everyone who would listen (and many who wouldn't...LOL). its my turn to pass it along! Bear with me while I figure this out!
My First Award is the "Versatile Blogger" from Shernika at
Threadgill's Teaching Toolbox ! I can't thank Shernika enough! She is soooo sweet and has an awesome blog! Be sure to check it out!
OK....Here go the random facts:
- I have 9 tattoos....I am addicted :) (My students have no idea :))
- I went into labor on the 4th of July....22 years ago :)
- Everyone in my family has a tiny base clef tattoo (except my 12 yr old daughter, of course) We are a very musical family :)
- 3 of my 4 awesome children have college degrees!! (and 1 is a teacher!!)
- I make a veggie lasagna that is to die for!! :)
- We buried our pet hamster, Stewie, with pieces of dark chocolate (they were his fav....long story...but that didn't kill him)
- My fav candy is Hot Tamales....not the fire ones...just the regular ones :)
Shernika also nominated me for the "One Lovely Blog" Award :) Like I said....the girl is TOO MUCH! (And this was even before my swanky new look!!!) I hope she still likes me with the new one :)
Hilary over at
Fifth Grade Fancy also nominated me for these award!s Let me just say about this woman....she has been here for me from the start! She is the sweetest thing! She comments on my pitiful posts and is always willing to give me her feedback on my ideas! She is a goddess among women! Check out her beautiful blog!!! turn to nominate...
Here are some of my favs:
Enjoy these blogs....they are AWESOME!
Now....your part: :)
The Versatile Blogger Award:
1) Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2) Include a link to their site.
3) Include the award image on your post.
4) Give 7 random facts about yourself.
5) Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
6) When nominating, include a link to their site.
7) Let other bloggers know they've been nominated.
One Lovely Blog Award:
1) Link back to the person who gave you the award.
2) Follow the person who gave you the award.
3) Pass the award on to 15 new bloggers!