Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Pink Chair/Throne of Honor

My awesome hubby bought me a new chair for my classroom! It even swivels! I bought that cute new rug to go with it! My goal is to have enough beanbags for each child this year (I am 4 away!). I am going to test the waters and have a surprise subject of the day when we all sit in our beanbags/chairs for that lesson. Last year my class was a bit rowdy and it didn't happen...but I did incorporate 1 red beanbag as our "red throne of honor".  I told the kids that I would be watching them closely and I would chose 1 exemplary student to sit in the red throne of honor ALL DAY (the following day). They LOVED it! I would love to have class all day long from our beanbags! Tell me what you think!!

Pretty in Pink????


  1. That's super girly. Now you need a matching manly one. :)

  2. HAve you noticed a behavior difference if you do a class on bean bags all day? I'd try exercise balls

  3. I give everyone a chance in the beanbags...however, they know if they misbehave they have to give up their beanbag and sit in a regular desk. It doesn't take too much of that to warrant good behavior. I start out sitting in beanbags for 1 lesson...and work up from there when they practice and abide by the rules. Of course, it REALLY depends on the group of kids :). Last year for teacher appreciation, the kids bought me a bright yellow beanbag and all signed it with a sharpie! It's my fav
