Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January "Currently"

Ok...it's been a while since I've attempted a "Currently"....but here goes :)

O.K......because it is microscopic and the best I could do....I will elaborate slightly :)

Listening: to my awesome wood fire crackle.....need I say more????

Loving: spending time with my own children and reading! I love having my kids around! My daughter is building a house and staying with me through the holidays! Her husband is trying to get transferred to our area. This is such a special time for us!

Thinking: about ways to better organize my classroom and teaching.  I have too many piles and great ideas that are just stagnating! I need to organize and have a better system! Great ideas and plans are nothing if not implemented!! Wish me luck!

Wanting:  to find a better balance between home and school. Most of my waking hours are spent focused on something "school" related. I can't go to an interstate rest area without looking at travel brochures and wondering how I can incorporate them into my teaching! It has to be a diagnosable sickness!!! I have got to find a better balance!

Needing:  to take better care of myself - mentally and physically! I am feeling more like Jabba the Hut every day! I have got to start eating better and getting more exercise! I believe my general attitude would improve if I felt better physically!!

OWL: kindness...we need more of it in the world :)

Here is a link to Farley's Currently stuff...you can get a better idea of what this is supposed to look like there! LOL And also blank templates to carry on this good work :)

Enjoy your New Year!!


  1. I hope you are enjoying your crackling fire and your visit with your daughter. If collecting travel brochures for school is a sickness, let me know what the cure is. I think I need it as well.
    Learning in Bliss

    1. Marcia,

      We shall go to therapy together!! LOL


  2. I am totally with you on the home-school balance. I've made it a mission to get all my school stuff for the next week done on thurs and fridays on the week before and then enjoy my weekends! :) And I am jealous of your fireplace! I live in an apartment where we don't have one, but hope to have one someday


    1. Sarah,

      I am going to try your plan too! The thing is...there is so much I don't know on Thursday and even Friday! I feel like I need to grade stuff before planning to see if I need to review before I go on....I do not know how to remedy this??!! Any ideas? And good luck on the fireplace! They are soooo worth it! As long as I have a dishwasher and a fireplace...I'm good! LOL Keep in touch!


  3. I just found you through Currently. I notice quite a few of us want to exercise more. During break I have found time to take a couple of long walks. I'm not sure when I will fit that in when school starts again.
    I am happy to be a new follower. Happy 2013!
